Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Awesome Autumn

Awesome Autumn
Autumn is one of my favorite seasons. I personally feel that the temperate weather is just perfect beacuse it's not too hot, yet not too cold. The most exciting part of the season is being able to watch the leaves change colors. From greenish yellow to red, orange, and shades of brown. I watch in amazement as I drive down the streets of my town. Another word for Autumn is Fall and many people use these terms interchangably. People enjoy the Fall becuase it is a great time to get together with your friends and family and participate in a variety of activites.

One activity that I enjoy the most during this season would have to be apple/pumpkin picking. It is a wonderful event for people of all ages to enjoy. My sister Alyson actually went this weekend with her friends. Unfortunatly, I had to work so I missed the occasion. The actual exerience is one in itself. However, carving the pumpkings into Jack-O-Latterns or delicious foods such as pumpkin pie is another acitivity to try out as well. The cool winter breeze is starting to creep in and the hours of sunlight each day are slowly deccresing. Before we know it we will be surrounded by a winter wonderland, drinking hot chocolate and endulging in a variety of different pleasurable activites.

Vocabulary Review

amazement: (noun) overwhelming surprise or astonishment

creep: (verb) to move or advance slowly or gradually

indulge: (verb) to yield to, satisfy, or gratify

interchangeable: (adjective) capable of being put or used in the place of each other
temperate: (adjective) moderate in respect to temperature; not subject to prolonged extremes of hot or cold weather

Vocabulary Practice

1. The majority of the time words that are __________ in a sentence are known as synonyms.

2. The children watched in __________ as the teacher balanced ten books on top of her head.

3. Fall and Spring are two ________ seasons of the year.

4. People tend to ________ themselves with food at a buffet.
5. The sneaky child decided to _____ around the corner in order to scare his friends.
Grammar Point -
Question of the Week:

What is your favorite season?

What are some activites you enjoy doing during that season?

All About My New Teaching Experience

My New Teaching Experience

I began teaching at Riverside Elementary in Rockville Centre about three weeks ago. So far, my experience has been nothin short of wonderful. I work as a teacher's aide in both a first and third grade classroom. My cooperating teacher, Mrs. Altman, is acutally an alumni of Molloy College herself. In addition, two of my former classmates are also teaching assistants at this school. Right now my first graders are working on their earthworm unit. They are excited about this topic, especially when it comes to playing in the dirt and physically handling the worms.

It is really nice to work with a helpul and compassionate staff who are extremely dedicated and passionate about teaching. I never hesitate to ask any questions and I look forward to a fun-filled year with more experiences to build on my foundation. Last semester for my Undergraduate degree I performed my student teaching experience at William S. Covert. This is another elementary school located in rockville centre. Rockville centre has a great curriculum and I certainly feel comfortbale in this district.

Vocabulary Review

compassionate (adjective)- having or showing compassion

dedicated (adjective)- wholly committed to something

foundation (noun)- the basis or groundwork of anything

especially (adverb)- particularly; exceptionally

alumni (noun)- a graduate or former student of a specific school, college, or university

Vocabulary Practice

1. I love all winter sporting activities, ________ skiing.

2. The _________ man worked very hard to build the house. He wouldn't stop at anything until he was finished.

3. I graduated last May from Molloy College and now I am considered an _______ of the school.

4. Due to their caring nature, nurses are usually very _________ people.

5. My college experience has built a strong ________ for my educational career.

Grammar Point- plural nouns
In writing, we place an apostrohe ('):
  • before the possessive s on singular nouns (A girl's book)
  • after the possessive s on regular plural words (the books' covers)

The pronunciation rules for 's are the same as those for regular plural endings.

Question of the week:
How has teaching changed your life?
Would you to offer any advice for first year teachers?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Loss of a Loved One

In Loving Memory
Laverne M. Shepherd
8/1/27 - 10/6/08

Death is something which is inevitable. It is also something which is universal and affects us all, at one point in time or another. The loss of a loved one can often be a difficult time in a person's life and no matter who the person is, it is never easy to let go. Recently, my grandmother passed away. She was a remarkable, brilliant, inspiring woman who touched every ones life she met. When I first heard the dreadful news, I was beside myself, unsure of how I would ever get through without her in my life to guide and protect me. Not before long, I simply ran out of tears to cry and words to say. It was clear, nothing I could do or say would bring her back. It was at that moment that I realized, I was being extremely selfish. I simply wanted to keep her here for myself, when it was God who really needed her.
With all of the help from my family and friends I now know that everything is going to be okay. I will continue to live my life to the fullest each day as a dedication to her and myself. Although she may not be physically present, I know that she is watching over me and with me each day. I would like to share with you a wonderful poem that my mother wrote pertaining to this event in our lives.
Beyond the horizon is where dreams come true.
You can find undeniable love and peace that waits with open arms just for you.

To hold you tight and never let you go,
to make you feel completely whole.

To whisper all the words you long to hear,
to create a bond of trust that will always be there.

To ease your heart when there are moments which are sad,
and bring joy and laughter to make you glad.

To give you courage when you are weak, and make you strong to fulfill all of your needs.

To care about you every moment in which you breathe,
and live your life the way it is meant to be.

For it may truly be that just beyond the horizon are more than dreams,
perhaps destinies.
Vocabulary Review
dedication (noun)- the act of dedicating.
dreadful (adj.)- causing great dread, fear, or terror.
inevitable (adj.)- unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped.
selfish (adj.)- devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others.
universal (adj.)- of, pertaining to, or characteristic of all or the whole: universal experience.
Vocabulary Practice
1. The _________ boy would not share his new toys with any of his brothers/sisters.
2. Walking through the graveyard alone at night can be a ___________ experience.
3. Working hard each day and never giving up is a real ____________ to your job.
4. The fact that the sun will eventually set this evening is ___________.
5. English is perceived to be the __________ language of the business world.

Pets are part of the family

Pets Are Part of the Family

For many people, especially myslef, a pet is considered an additional family member. There is a special bond that is formed and shared between both the owner and pet. I feel that every child should have the opportunity to have some type of pet during his/her childhood. Not only is it a joy to experience, having a pet teaches children major responsibilities. Some traditional household pets include: dogs, cats, rabbits, turtles, hamsters, and of course birds. My family is proud to call "Tweety" one of our own. She is a beautiful cockatiel about 4 years old. Although all the memebers of our immediate family share the responsibility of caring for Tweety, my father considers her his baby. He is extremely fond of her and enjoys taking her outside occasionly. Luckily, her wings have been clipped so she will not be able to fly away. My dad in convinced that Tweety will only eat her afternoon lunch while watching the television show Judge Judy. Therefore, every day at four P.M. the television is set to channel 4. Tweety also enjoys the sunlight and looks forward to each morning when she can sing loudly and show off her voice. Unforuntatly for me, her cage is located directly outside my bedroom.

Vocabulary Review

opportunity:(noun) an appropriate or favorable time or occasion

immediate: (adjective) very close in relationship

fond: (adjective) having a liking or affection for

traditional: (adjective) of or pertaining to tradition

childhood: (noun) the state or period of being a child

Vocabulary Practice

1. You can tell from my vast collection of pictures that I am very ______ of photography.

2. A meeting would be the perfect ________ to discuss plans our for the future.

3. One of my favorite _______ activities was riding my bicycle.

4. My father is part of my ________ family.

5. Many members of _________ households say grace before eating dinner.

Grammar Point - using adverbs

Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. We form a lot of adverbs by adding -ly to an adjective.

For example: carefully, hopefully, & extremely.

Some adverbs can't be identified as adverbs by their spelling or pronuunciation.

For example: often, very, & even.

Question of the week:

Do you have any pets at home?

Do you feel that by having a pet, children learn responsibility?