Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Awesome Autumn

Awesome Autumn
Autumn is one of my favorite seasons. I personally feel that the temperate weather is just perfect beacuse it's not too hot, yet not too cold. The most exciting part of the season is being able to watch the leaves change colors. From greenish yellow to red, orange, and shades of brown. I watch in amazement as I drive down the streets of my town. Another word for Autumn is Fall and many people use these terms interchangably. People enjoy the Fall becuase it is a great time to get together with your friends and family and participate in a variety of activites.

One activity that I enjoy the most during this season would have to be apple/pumpkin picking. It is a wonderful event for people of all ages to enjoy. My sister Alyson actually went this weekend with her friends. Unfortunatly, I had to work so I missed the occasion. The actual exerience is one in itself. However, carving the pumpkings into Jack-O-Latterns or delicious foods such as pumpkin pie is another acitivity to try out as well. The cool winter breeze is starting to creep in and the hours of sunlight each day are slowly deccresing. Before we know it we will be surrounded by a winter wonderland, drinking hot chocolate and endulging in a variety of different pleasurable activites.

Vocabulary Review

amazement: (noun) overwhelming surprise or astonishment

creep: (verb) to move or advance slowly or gradually

indulge: (verb) to yield to, satisfy, or gratify

interchangeable: (adjective) capable of being put or used in the place of each other
temperate: (adjective) moderate in respect to temperature; not subject to prolonged extremes of hot or cold weather

Vocabulary Practice

1. The majority of the time words that are __________ in a sentence are known as synonyms.

2. The children watched in __________ as the teacher balanced ten books on top of her head.

3. Fall and Spring are two ________ seasons of the year.

4. People tend to ________ themselves with food at a buffet.
5. The sneaky child decided to _____ around the corner in order to scare his friends.
Grammar Point -
Question of the Week:

What is your favorite season?

What are some activites you enjoy doing during that season?

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